Configure NFS server and client

On the server:

Install the packages

sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-server

Edit the exports file:

Edit /etc/exports:

/mnt/nfs_share IP_ADDRESS(rw,sync)

Where IP_ADDRESS must be replaced by the IP address of the client allowed to connect. Here, /mnt/nfs_share is the disk to share.

If there are multiple clients:

/mnt/nfs_share IP_ADDRESS_1(rw,sync) IP_ADDRESS_2(rw,sync) ...

Start the rpcbind service:

sudo service rpcbind start

Start the nfs server service:

sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart

Export the shared file system:

sudo exportfs

Check the export:

sudo showmount

On the client:

Install the packages

sudo apt-get install nfs-common

Check if the client can join the server:

sudo showmount -e SERVER_IP

where SERVER_IP is the IP address of the server.

Mount the NFS disk:

sudo mount SERVER_IP:/mnt/nfs_share /mnt/nfs

To mount /mnt/nfs_share in the server on /mnt/nfs in the client, where, again, SERVER_IP is the IP address of the server.

Automount with fstab:

Add this line to the /etc/fstab file:

SERVER_IP:/mnt/nfs_share /mnt/nfs nfs rw 0 0

To mount /mnt/nfs_share in the server on /mnt/nfs in the client.

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