awk autofs bash bluetooth borg backup bike biopython csplit catdcd crashplan compression chimera Chrome Chromium debian dssp dcd datamash direnv etckeeper ext4 EM em fasta fish ffmpeg git gnuplot github gnome gmail gs ggplot html inkscape imp ipython imagemagick incron jekyll javascript LaTeX linux lvm lzma libreoffice LaTex matplotlib mdanalysis modeller mpi mpi4py mdtraj mrc mafft mrcfile networkx nfs ntp numpy nmcli NGL pdb python parallel pv parted photos ProxyCommand pdf pulseaudio photo pymol pandas pypdb qrcode qrencode raspberry-pi restructured-text science scikit-learn sshfs shell svg saxs ssh slideshow ssmtp squashfs slurm TapirGo tikz tag tempy tmux tensorflow tar unsplash vim vmd virtualenv zsh zeitgeist
Get the topology and coordinates from a PDB file using pymol
Write a numpy array to a mrc file using mrcfile
Transfer file through ssh using tar and pv
Read a MRC file in python
Extract a zone around a model from a MRC density file
Merge 2 pdbs using pymol from the shell CLI
Installing tensorflow with conda
Select and save to DCD format from a molecular dynamics trajectory file using pymol from the shell command line
Automatic reconnection with sshfs
Using pymol alter command from command line
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