Use Jekyll with BibTeX

First install jekyll-scholar:

gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri --user-install jekyll-scholar

It takes a long time (several minutes) on the raspberry pi.

Then creates the file _plugins/ext.rb or add the following line to the file _plugins/ext.rb if its already exists:

jekyll inline code

Then create the directory _bibliography:

mkdir _bibliography

In this directory put your bib file under the name references.bib.

In the root directory of the jekyll web site create the file

layout: default
title: Bibliography

# Bibliography

{% bibliography %}

That’s all. With the default jekyll theme a link to the generated bibliography page should appear in the top navigation bar of the generated web site (jekyll build).

If you want to sort the bibliography by year you can add this in the _config.yml

    sort_by: year
    order: descending
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