Adaptive sampling of a 2D surface potential by Markov Chain Monte Carlo with python
The code below reproduce an example given in the folding@home web site.
% pylab inline
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import sys
sys . path . append ( '/Bis/home/bougui/bin/SOM' )
import SOMTools
import sklearn.cluster
import scipy.spatial.distance
The sampled potential
First we define a Müller potential as the sampled potential:
def muller_potential ( x , y , use_numpy = False ):
"""Muller potential
x : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable}
X coordinate. If you supply an array, x and y need to be the same shape,
and the potential will be calculated at each (x,y pair)
y : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable}
Y coordinate. If you supply an array, x and y need to be the same shape,
and the potential will be calculated at each (x,y pair)
potential : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable}
Potential energy. Will be the same shape as the inputs, x and y.
Code adapted from
aa = [ - 1 , - 1 , - 6.5 , 0.7 ]
bb = [ 0 , 0 , 11 , 0.6 ]
cc = [ - 10 , - 10 , - 6.5 , 0.7 ]
AA = [ - 200 , - 100 , - 170 , 15 ]
XX = [ 1 , 0 , - 0.5 , - 1 ]
YY = [ 0 , 0.5 , 1.5 , 1 ]
# use symbolic algebra if you supply symbolic quantities
exp = np . exp
value = 0
for j in range ( 0 , 4 ):
if use_numpy :
value += AA [ j ] * numpy . exp ( aa [ j ] * ( x - XX [ j ]) ** 2 + bb [ j ] * ( x - XX [ j ]) * ( y - YY [ j ]) + cc [ j ] * ( y - YY [ j ]) ** 2 )
else : # use sympy
value += AA [ j ] * sympy . exp ( aa [ j ] * ( x - XX [ j ]) ** 2 + bb [ j ] * ( x - XX [ j ]) * ( y - YY [ j ]) + cc [ j ] * ( y - YY [ j ]) ** 2 )
return value
The potential is plotted below:
minx =- 1.5
maxx = 1.2
miny =- 0.2
maxy = 2
ax = None
grid_width = max ( maxx - minx , maxy - miny ) / 200.0
xx , yy = np . mgrid [ minx : maxx : grid_width , miny : maxy : grid_width ]
V = muller_potential ( xx , yy , use_numpy = True )
contourf ( xx , yy , ma . masked_array ( V . clip ( max = 200 ), V > inf ), 40 )
colorbar ()
The code below find the 3 local minimum of the potential:
matshow ( V . clip ( max = 200 ))
lm = asarray ( SOMTools . detect_local_minima ( V )) . T # local minima
scatter ( lm [:, 1 ], lm [:, 0 ], c = 'r' )
print lm
[[ 70 122]
[108 49]
[157 17]]
The Monte Carlo sampler
def montecarlo ( potential = V , nstep = 1000 , beta = 1 , markov = True , start = None ):
p = lambda x : exp ( - beta * x )
nx , ny = potential . shape
if start == None :
pos_prev = ( np . random . randint ( 0 , nx ), np . random . randint ( 0 , ny ))
else :
pos_prev = start
traj = []
for i in range ( nstep ):
if markov :
pos = ( pos_prev + asarray ([ random . choice ([ - 1 , 0 , 1 ]), random . choice ([ - 1 , 0 , 1 ])])) % ( nx , ny )
else :
pos = ( np . random . randint ( 0 , nx ), np . random . randint ( 0 , ny ))
pos = tuple ( pos )
pos_prev = tuple ( pos_prev )
delta = potential [ pos ] - potential [ pos_prev ]
if delta > 0 :
#print p(delta)
if p ( delta ) < np . random . uniform ():
pos = pos_prev
else :
pos_prev = pos
else :
pos_prev = pos
traj . append ( pos )
return asarray ( traj )
We define here the number of parallel trajectories to run for the adaptive
sampling (nclone
), the number of clusters to define (nstates
), the number of
round to perform (nround
) and the number of MCMC steps per round (nstep
nclone = 2
nstates = 3
nround = 10
nstep = 50000
The standard trajectory
nstep = nclone * nround * nstep
beta = 0.125
start = lm [ - 1 ]
traj_unique = montecarlo ( nstep = nstep , beta = beta , start = start )
def get_density ( traj ):
density = zeros_like ( V )
for pos in traj :
pos = tuple ( pos )
density [ pos ] += 1
return density
density_unique = get_density ( traj_unique )
The obtained distribution looks like:
rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = 20 , 5
contour ( V . clip ( max = 200 ), 15 )
imshow ( density_unique / nstep , cmap = cm . coolwarm , norm = matplotlib . colors . LogNorm (), interpolation = 'nearest' )
axis ( 'off' )
The adaptive sampling
We start from the nclone*nstep
first frames of the standard trajectory
trajs = [ traj_unique [ r * nstep :( r + 1 ) * nstep ] for r in range ( nclone )]
#print asarray(trajs).shape
all_traj = asarray ( trajs ) . reshape ( nclone * nstep , 2 )
kmeans = sklearn . cluster . KMeans ( n_clusters = nstates )
kmeans . fit ( all_traj )
starts = asarray ([ tuple ( int_ ( all_traj [ kmeans . labels_ == i ] . mean ( axis = 0 ))) for i in unique ( kmeans . labels_ )])
for r in range ( 1 , nround ):
for i in range ( nclone ):
traj = montecarlo ( nstep = nstep , beta = beta , start = starts [ i ])
trajs . append ( traj )
#print asarray(trajs).shape
all_traj = asarray ( trajs ) . reshape ( nclone * ( r + 1 ) * nstep , 2 )
kmeans = sklearn . cluster . KMeans ( n_clusters = nstates )[::-1][:nclone]).reshape(nclone*nstep,2))
kmeans . fit ( all_traj )
starts_prev = starts
starts = asarray ([ tuple ( int_ ( all_traj [ kmeans . labels_ == i ] . mean ( axis = 0 ))) for i in unique ( kmeans . labels_ )])
#print starts
starts = starts [ scipy . spatial . distance . cdist ( starts , starts_prev ) . min ( axis = 1 ) . argsort ()[:: - 1 ]][: nclone ]
print r , starts
1 [[119 46]
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[ 68 120]]
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[110 45]]
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[110 45]]
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The obtained distribution with the clustering looks like:
density_all = get_density ( all_traj )
max_density = density_all . max ()
rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = 18 , 5
nx , ny = V . shape
mgrid = asarray ( np . meshgrid ( range ( nx ), range ( ny ))) . T . reshape ( nx * ny , 2 )
contour ( V . clip ( max = 200 ), 15 )
axis ( 'off' )
#plot(trajs[i][:,1], trajs[i][:,0])
kmeans = sklearn . cluster . KMeans ( n_clusters = 3 )
kmeans . fit ( all_traj )
kmeans_partition = kmeans . predict ( mgrid ) . reshape ( nx , ny )
imshow ( density_all / max_density , cmap = cm . coolwarm , norm = matplotlib . colors . LogNorm (), interpolation = 'nearest' )
imshow ( kmeans_partition , interpolation = 'none' , alpha = 0.5 )
centers = asarray ([ tuple ( all_traj [ kmeans . labels_ == i ] . mean ( axis = 0 )) for i in unique ( kmeans . labels_ )])
scatter ( centers [:, 1 ], centers [:, 0 ], c = range ( len ( centers )), s = 80 )
Now we plot the distribution for each round of adaptive sampling and the
starting points for the next round. In comparison we plot the evolution of the
standard trajectory:
trajs = []
starts = [ lm [ - 1 ],] * nclone
total_step = nstep * nclone * nround
densities = []
starts_list = []
for r in range ( nround ):
trajs . append ( all_traj [ r * nstep * nclone :( r + 1 ) * nstep * nclone ])
subtraj = asarray ( trajs ) . reshape ( nclone * ( r + 1 ) * nstep , 2 )
kmeans = sklearn . cluster . KMeans ( n_clusters = nstates )
kmeans . fit ( subtraj )
starts_prev = starts
starts = asarray ([ tuple ( int_ ( subtraj [ kmeans . labels_ == i ] . mean ( axis = 0 ))) for i in unique ( kmeans . labels_ )])
starts = starts [ scipy . spatial . distance . cdist ( starts , starts_prev ) . min ( axis = 1 ) . argsort ()[:: - 1 ]][: nclone ]
density = get_density ( subtraj )
densities . append ( density )
starts_list . append ( starts )
rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = 16 , 12
gs = gridspec . GridSpec ( 4 , 6 )
bg1 = zeros (( nx , ny , 3 ))
bg1 [:,:, 0 ] = 1
bg2 = zeros (( nx , ny , 3 ))
bg2 [:,:, 1 ] = 1
u = 0
v = 0
trajs = []
for i , density in enumerate ( densities ):
trajs . append ( traj_unique [ i * nstep * nclone :( i + 1 ) * nstep * nclone ])
#print asarray(trajs).shape
subtraj = asarray ( trajs ) . reshape ( nclone * ( i + 1 ) * nstep , 2 )
sub_density = get_density ( subtraj )
subplot ( gs [ u + 1 , v ])
imshow ( bg2 , alpha = .25 )
contour ( V . clip ( max = 200 ), 15 )
imshow ( sub_density / max_density , cmap = cm . coolwarm , norm = matplotlib . colors . LogNorm (), interpolation = 'nearest' , vmax = 1 )
axis ( 'off' )
starts = starts_list [ i ]
subplot ( gs [ u , v ])
imshow ( bg1 , alpha = .25 )
contour ( V . clip ( max = 200 ), 15 )
imshow ( density / max_density , cmap = cm . coolwarm , norm = matplotlib . colors . LogNorm (), interpolation = 'nearest' , vmax = 1 )
scatter ( starts [:, 1 ], starts [:, 0 ], c = range ( len ( starts )))
title ( ' % d steps' % (( i + 1 ) * nstep * nclone ))
axis ( 'off' )
v += 1
if v == 5 :
subplot ( gs [ u , v ])
text ( 0 , 0.5 , 'Adaptive sampling' , fontsize = 14 )
axis ( 'off' )
subplot ( gs [ u + 1 , v ])
text ( 0 , 0.5 , 'One trajectory' , fontsize = 14 )
axis ( 'off' )
v = 0
u += 2
If you want to ask me a question or leave me a message add @bougui505 in your comment.